How Do I Donate My Remaining Embryos?

Currently, there are over 600,000 embryos in storage in the United States. Some of those embryos will go on to be born, while others will have to wait for their genetic parents to decide what to do with them. Should they be discarded? Donated to science? One of the...

Common Concerns About Embryo Donation

Donating your remaining embryos after you’ve completed your family is a deeply personal choice. For some couples, it is the obvious choice for any embryos that remain. For other couples, they may have questions or concerns that need answers before they feel...

Embryo Grades (& Why They May Not Matter)

When it comes to IVF, there is a lot of emphasis placed on the quality of the embryos. Because doctors and patients want to have the best chance possible for success during an embryo transfer, clinics attempt to choose the “best” embryos of the bunch. To do this, an...

Learning to Let Go Of Having a Genetic Child

For many of the families who decide to pursue embryo adoption as their family building method, they’ve come to this choice due to the fact that they are unable – for whatever reason – to have their own genetic child. For the Cannon family, after the death...