How Do I Donate My Remaining Embryos?

Currently, there are over 600,000 embryos in storage in the United States. Some of those embryos will go on to be born, while others will have to wait for their genetic parents to decide what to do with them. Should they be discarded? Donated to science? One of the...

Videos for Families Considering Donating Frozen Embryos

If you are one of the tens of thousands of people who have remaining frozen embryos in storage, you may be trying to decide what you want to do with them. Discard them? Give them to science? Or donate them to another family wanting to adopt them? The choices aren’t...

3 Myths of Embryo Donation

  Embryo donation is getting a lot of attention in the media right now as an affordable, safe family building alternative, but with all the stories there are a lot of myths out there, too. Discover three of the most common myths and what the truth is behind them:...

What does it take to donate my leftover embryos?

When a couple decides that they have completed their family through in vitro fertilization, they’ll face an important decision about what to do with their remaining embryos. Many families decide that embryo donation is the right choice for them, and offer their donor...