Release My Children

Release My Children

Our fertility journey began when I was twenty-nine. After trying to conceive for a year, I was diagnosed with low ovarian reserve. After seeing several reproductive endocrinologists, in vitro seemed the most promising option moving forward. My husband and I are very...
Writing Your Story

Writing Your Story

Have you ever felt so down, you are ready to throw in the towel? After all, you have tried everything to start a family! Or have you? You have always desired to be a parent, yet somehow, something you thought would be easy, is not easy at all. In fact, it’s a...

Three Boys and an Embryo Baby

I never expected to adopt. The concept wasn’t completely foreign—my wife, Julie, and I had discussed the possibility of adopting or fostering before we were married. But three years into building our family, we welcomed our first biological son, then a second, then a...