Ellen and Tim have officially finished their home study and are now patiently waiting for a match! Before entering matching, they had to complete a matching consultation with their agency, the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program. Agencies design these consultations to help the matching teams find the perfect fit based on preferences and criteria that the adopting and donating families have in mind. This includes preferences on ethnicity, number of embryos, medical history, future inter-family communications, and many other criteria.

Waiting for a match is probably the most difficult aspect of any adoption program. Though there are many things you and your family can do to make the time seem to move more quickly. Here are some suggestions:

  • Take a hike! – Keeping your body busy through exercise is a great way to relieve stress and anxiousness built up from waiting to hear some news.
  • Distract your mind – Keeping you mind busy is a great diversion from the wait. Focus on a book, project, or hobby you’ve been putting off.
  • Volunteer – Concentrate your energy on helping others at a homeless shelter, an adoption fundraiser, school or church function, or another charity of your choice.
  • Share your story – Share your adoption journey with friends, family, and maybe even on social media (like Ellen and Tim!). This can be therapeutic and can give others the opportunity to show their support as well.
  • Educate yourself – Read adoption books, parenting books, personal stories or watch vlogs from others who went through an embryo adoption. This can also be a great time to brainstorm how to tell your child their unique adoption story.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Tim and Ellen as they wait. You can watch Ellen and Tim’s vlog about their matching consultation here.

For more information on embryo adoption and donation, visit embryoadoption.org.
