Many things have changed for women in today’s society.

Women have more opportunities than ever before in the western world. But with those opportunities come potential costs.

For some women in their 20’s and early 30’s, the focus is on their careers, meaning they don’t have the time to even think about starting a family until their late 30’s – or sometimes even later. The problem is that, by age 35, a woman’s chance of getting pregnant is cut roughly in half. The older you get, the less chance you have of achieving a pregnancy.

Professor Bill Ledger of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in the UK, recently recommended that all women hoping to someday start a family should take a fertility test at the age of 30. A simple blood test and ultrasound can sometimes indicate whether a woman will struggle with infertility down the road or not.

However, some in the medical community are careful to warn that a simple blood test is no guarantee, and that women should not take the test as “false hope.”

But Ledger said his point is that women need to be aware of the “time clock” their body is on.

“(Some women) think, ‘(Infertility) won’t happen to me, I’m 37, I go to the gym twice a week, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m fit – everything about me is young’. Well it is, except your ovaries,” said Ledger.

Read the full story here.

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