What to Do With Your Remaining Embryos

As more couples turn to in vitro fertilization as an alternative family building method, there are an ever increasing number of remaining embryos in frozen storage in the United States. Some estimates put the number of frozen embryos at 600,000 and the number grows...

What One Study Has to Say About Frozen Embryo Transfers

When it comes to frozen embryo transfers, the prevailing belief among both patients and doctors used to be that more was better. Because not every transfer is going to be a success in IVF or embryo adoption and couples were often putting all of their hopes into one...

Why Male Infertility Isn’t a Matter of Masculinity

As many as 1 in 8 couples in the United States suffer from infertility. When it comes to the cause, about 40% can be traced to the woman and another 40% traced to the man (the remaining number are either undiagnosed or a combination of causes). Both men and women can...

Embryo Grades (& Why They May Not Matter)

When it comes to IVF, there is a lot of emphasis placed on the quality of the embryos. Because doctors and patients want to have the best chance possible for success during an embryo transfer, clinics attempt to choose the “best” embryos of the bunch. To do this, an...